posted by Missy at 6:30 AM
Awww, hi there Murphy!
Hey there - still going?LoveGillian (Rey)
HEY MURPHY!!!! How suhweet. I only have my neurosis to keep me company. They're not NEARLY as cute. ;-)
(waves)- turnberryknkn
Hugs for doggie!-Deor
That poor dog with his kerchief. It's like he knows he looks silly.-Amy G.(Yay you, by the way. I had a crazy-assed day yesterday and didn't get to follow along real-time-like.)
I love it when dogs look up into a camera, it's like they're all nose. Tell Murphy that green is not his color, k? -Annie
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Awww, hi there Murphy!
Hey there - still going?
Gillian (Rey)
HEY MURPHY!!!! How suhweet. I only have my neurosis to keep me company. They're not NEARLY as cute. ;-)
- turnberryknkn
Hugs for doggie!
That poor dog with his kerchief. It's like he knows he looks silly.
-Amy G.
(Yay you, by the way. I had a crazy-assed day yesterday and didn't get to follow along real-time-like.)
I love it when dogs look up into a camera, it's like they're all nose. Tell Murphy that green is not his color, k? -Annie
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