Too much information running through my brain
Mdevnich writes:
You go girl! BTW, are you doing all this research on the fly, or are these links that you already had?
I had intended to have a whole bunch of links on hand, just in case things got too crazy. As it happens, things got plenty crazy well before Blogathon, so I had just two links - that of the NKF and that of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
So, yes, I've been doing the research on the fly - along with playing with my dog and breaking my coffeepot. This has been helpful in keeping me awake (though, the busted coffeepot, not so much).
Corey has some links for us:
Here's links for the Kidney Foundation of Canada and the Irish Kidney Association, too.
Thanks Corey! Now "But I live in Ireland!" is not a valid excuse for not getting involved.
Almost done.
Both my beloved and myself have made it clear that any part of us they can use after the soul has gone is to be taken.
I really really hope this does help your friend, and find the miracle that's needed.
Now - how much coffee *have* you drunk, broken pot or no broken pot? - Rey
I had two cups of coffee on Saturday morning, then I switched to iced tea throughout the day, then hot tea in the evening, and had hoped for coffee for the home stretch.
Turns out, I didn't need it. But Mark isn't doing so well with the idea of no coffee before he leaves for work. Oops.
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