Saturday, August 06, 2005

Yeah the band's so hot, they won't play nothin' slow

We weren't even drunk! Seriously!

This was taken Millennium Eve in Indianapolis, just before heading out for Mark Loy's Millennial Marathon Social - a New Year's party given by one of the most beloved posters of rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. Yup, Usenet. I met my best friend on Usenet. In a book discussion group, no less.

Gods, but we're geeks.

Anyway, silly hats have appeared at nearly every Social I've attended - usually because I bring them - and the Millennium was no exception. I think David makes a great Bunny!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have I told you about alt.devilbunnies?

For more info... check out my web page or go to

Because bunnies are *evil*. ;-)


11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favourite is still that pair of kitty ears we had made a game of awarding to the person that made the cattiest comment recently, in one of the Socials in your old apartment.

I seem to remember Kenn ended up with them most of the time. I don't seem to be surprised about this. *grin*

2:12 PM  

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